Aerosol Tab

Multifunctional Aerosol Tab

Aerosol applications constitute a new type of technology that is capable of spreading and dispersing a wide range of substances in the atmosphere with the aerosol acting as the carrier material.

Aerosols are a heterogeneous mixture of solid and/or liquid suspended particles and air that are evenly distributed in enclosed spaces thanks to their kinetic energy property.

Our Multifunctional Aerosol Tabs can function with a multitude of active substances allowing for versatile applications in the agricultural sector. Aerosol applications are very easy and reliable. The tab muss be placed on a non flammable support and be ignited. It is through this combustion process that the active substances will pass into the gas phase to finally spread themselves throughout the space with the aerosol.

Through the addition of other mineral substances, it is also furthermore possible to create atmospheres that increase the strength of plants, improve their growth and increase fruit quality.

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